Vedarshi Shastry
I am a consultant and research assistant with the Development Impact Group (DIME)
at the World Bank, where I focus on development economics and policy evaluation.
Beyond my current role, I am interested in pursuing research on topics
related to structural transformation, climate adaptation, and economic resilience.
My CV is here.
I enjoy learning, no matter what the topic is! I am an avid enthusiast of sports, music, travel, and languages.
"Pilot Impact Evaluation of the Commodity Voucher Procurement Model in Burundi"
(with Atekou, A., Heirman, J., Jeong, D., Khincha, R., La, P.M, Lombardini, S., Uckat, H.). World Food Programme.
Work in progress
- "Climate Change and Structural Transformation in India"
- "Agricultural adaptations to climate change in the Andes'"
(with Vaibhav Chaudhary)
vedarshis /at/ gmail /dot/ com